October 3

Programmatic Advertising Tactics: Success Through Patience and Precision


In today’s hyper-competitive landscape, higher ed institutions need to better understand and implement a solid programmatic advertising strategy to reach their enrollment goals. 

Many higher ed marketers still rely on broad, outdated advertising tactics, leading to wasted budgets, missed opportunities, and a lack of engagement from mission-fit students

Without the precision that programmatic advertising offers, schools risk casting their nets too wide—targeting large, generic audiences instead of the specific students who are most likely to enroll.

Ashley Monk comes to the show to talk to us about programmatic advertising-.As Ashley Monk, founder and CEO of Onya, explains in this episode of The Higher Ed Marketer Podcast, programmatic advertising is more than just finding those “watering holes”—the places your prospective students typically hang out. 

It’s about intentionally knowing where your audience is coming from, testing new marketing strategies, and exercising patience while waiting for the results. 

Without this intentionality, institutions risk wasting resources on ineffective ads, simply hoping that their message reaches the right students. 

Programmatic advertising doesn’t reinvent the wheel, but it requires a deep understanding of your audience and a strategic, data-driven approach to make sure every marketing dollar is well spent. 

In this episode, Ashley shares her expert insights on how to use programmatic advertising to reach niche audiences and boost lead generation for higher education institutions.

What Is Programmatic Advertising?

As Ashley explains, programmatic advertising is the automated buying and selling of digital ad space across multiple platforms, including display, video, audio, and more. 

Unlike traditional advertising on platforms like Google or Facebook, where you’re locked into a single platform, programmatic allows you to target specific audiences across various channels.

Where programmatic is unique is you are going after a specific segment of your audience across thousands and thousands of different channels and placements. 

You have more precision in reaching the audience you want but aren’t limited to one channel. This can include everything from audio ads on Spotify to display ads on the New York Times or even connected TV.

What you are betting is you are hitting one precise target in different phases of the overall marketing funnel, as opposed to using one channel and going after a demographic there.

The flexibility of programmatic advertising means you can target your audience wherever they spend their time, making it a powerful tool for higher ed marketers trying to engage potential students across a broad spectrum of digital touchpoints.

Targeting Mission-Fit Students

One of the most significant advantages of programmatic digital advertising is its ability to narrow in on mission-fit students

For schools with niche programs, programmatic advertising allows you to zero in on the exact types of students you’re looking for.

Rather than casting a wide net with traditional ads, you can hone in on platforms and channels where your students are likely to engage, such as specific publications or faith-based radio stations.

This precision ensures that your marketing dollars are spent wisely, reaching only those students who are most likely to enroll.

The Role of Retargeting

While programmatic advertising is effective for top-of-funnel brand awareness, it’s also powerful for retargeting. 

Retargeting strategies help you bring back students who have already interacted with your institution in some way, such as visiting your website or filling out an inquiry form.

“Retargeting allows you to continue the conversation with students who are already in your pipeline,” says Ashley. “In higher ed, where students are often making a significant, long-term decision, retargeting can keep your institution top of mind, especially as they compare multiple schools.”

With programmatic retargeting, you can serve personalized ads to students across multiple platforms, whether they’re browsing articles, listening to podcasts, or watching videos.

Overcoming the Challenges of Programmatic Advertising

Like any powerful tool, programmatic advertising comes with its own set of challenges. One of the primary hurdles is budgeting and bidding. Without the proper expertise, institutions can overspend or fail to reach the right audience.

“A common mistake is to set up a campaign and not fully understand how to bid correctly for placements,” Ashley warns. “This requires a level of knowledge about the bidding process and audience segmentation, which is why partnering with an experienced media buyer or agency is crucial.”

Another potential pitfall is expecting immediate results. Unlike pay-per-click advertising, which can generate leads quickly, programmatic campaigns are often more effective over the long term.

I see a lot of people that maybe are hoping that it’s going to drive leads immediately, and this is just not the tactic that’s going to drive high intensity leads. 

With the retargeting setup and good data, you can cross people over the finish line, assuming that you have a strong pipeline. 

But I think one misconception is that this is a conversion-based platform. 

But if you think about many of the placements that a programmatic ad would be served on, it is typically an interruption in someone’s day. So, it could be a Spotify ad, a podcast commercial, an app ad, or a banner ad being served on a blog. 

If you are deploying the strategy and expecting an immediate return as opposed to a retargeting campaign, it is going to take a little bit longer to be able to deliver those results.

With programmatic advertising, try to be patient and track your campaigns over several months.

Higher ed marketing is a long game, and programmatic advertising needs time to optimize and deliver results, especially in the top-of-funnel stages.

Implementing Programmatic in Your Strategy

If you’re considering adding programmatic advertising to your marketing toolkit, Ashley offers some actionable advice. 

Start by analyzing where your current students are coming from and identify the watering holes where your target audience spends their time online.

“Don’t reinvent the wheel,” Ashley suggests. “Look at the channels that are already working for you and use programmatic to reinforce those efforts. You can target specific publications, apps, and even devices like connected TVs to ensure you’re reaching the right students.”

Additionally, she emphasizes the importance of starting with a retargeting campaign. 

This can be an effective, budget-friendly way to get started with programmatic advertising, allowing you to re-engage potential students who have already expressed interest in your institution.

Programmatic: A Long-Term Strategy for Success

Ultimately, programmatic digital advertising offers higher ed marketers a unique opportunity to target mission-fit students with precision, across multiple platforms, and throughout different stages of the decision-making process. 

But as with any marketing strategy, success requires patience, expertise, and a well-thought-out plan.

Listen to our full interview with Ashley Monk to get even more insights into:

  • Defining programmatic advertising
  • Casting the brand awareness net too wide
  • Having the patience to see ad results
  • Examining your overall strategy and outcomes

Ready to Make This a Part of Your Strategy?

If you’re ready to take your digital advertising efforts to the next level, Caylor Solutions is here to help. 

We can help you craft a custom programmatic advertising strategy tailored to your institution, and we can also handle the tactical execution from start to finish. 

Our expert team specializes in identifying your unique audience, placing ads on the right platforms, and using precision targeting to ensure your marketing dollars are spent wisely. 

Whether you’re just starting with programmatic or need help refining your current approach, we have the experience and tools to help you reach your enrollment goals. 

Contact us today to start driving better results with a smart, data-driven advertising strategy!

Looking for Enrollment Marketing Content that Works?

You’re in luck! We’ve curated 25 awesome ideas inspired by top higher ed institutions across the country and put them in one handy guide: 25 Ideas for Great Admissions Content.

25 Ideas for Great Admissions ContentIn this popular resource from Caylor Solutions, you’ll get…

  • 25 enrollment marketing content ideas you might never have considered before
  • Guidance on how to use each one for best results
  • Brief discussion on why they work to help you sell these ideas to your team

Get inspired.
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Get 25 Ideas for Great Admissions Content.
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