October 21

5 Strategies to Connect to Gen Z Prospective Students: New Gallup Poll


Gen Z has been arriving on campus for a few short years now, but now there is even more data on how to better connect with Gen Z prospective students!

With the experience we’ve had so far with Gen Z, we know that they approach their futures differently than the generations before them. 

As this generation continues to mature, higher ed marketers will need to continually hone their messaging strategies as new information emerges on how this cohort thinks, feels, and makes decisions about their educational journey.

A recent Gallup poll, in partnership with the Walton Family Foundation, dove deep into how Gen Z prospective students feel about school, work, and their future. 

This poll primarily surveyed members of Generation Z, which includes people born between 1997 and 2012. The poll specifically reached out to two distinct groups:

  1. K-12 students: The majority of the respondents (2,364 participants) were children aged 12-19 who were still enrolled in K-12 education. These participants were reached through adult members of the Gallup Panel who indicated they had children living in their households.
  2. Young adults aged 18-27: This group (1,793 participants) comprised Gen Zers who had graduated from K-12 school, and they were sampled directly from Gallup’s probability-based panel.

In total, the poll reached 4,157 respondents across all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia.

Among other things, the poll results show that many Gen Z students are feeling disengaged in school, especially those who don’t plan on attending college. 

But here’s the silver lining: despite these challenges, most of them are optimistic about what lies ahead—though they’re not quite sure they’re ready for it.

Based on this data, I believe higher ed marketers have a golden opportunity to step in and provide the direction, support, and reassurance Gen Z needs. 

But to do that, we will have to change our approach. 

We need to move beyond the old, one-size-fits-all messaging and start speaking directly to this generation’s desires and concerns.

In fact, this is why I wrote my book Chasing Mission Fit.

The book is a guide to getting your enrollment marketing strategy dialed-in to the issues that matter most to you and your prospective students. 

When you begin to identify and cultivate mission-fit students, you’ll find it easier to lead them through the enrollment funnel and even on to graduation. By aligning your mission and values to theirs, you’re already more likely to get a student who’s here for the long haul. 

Getting back to the poll, the insights inside the report can help guide us in creating marketing strategies that truly resonate with Gen Z.

So first, let’s explore some of the findings in this report. It’s important to arm ourselves with the data. 

Then, I want to dive into some of the practical messaging strategies that can help you to better connect with Gen Z prospective students.  

Engagement in School is Declining

One of the most eye-opening findings from the Gallup poll is how much Gen Z’s engagement in school has dropped. 

For higher ed marketers, this is a critical signal and a major alarm in light of the enrollment cliff. 

While we’re trying to get students interested in our institutions, the fact is that many of these Gen Z prospective students are already feeling disconnected from education even before they get to college!

According to the poll, nearly every measure of school engagement declined from the previous year. 

Gen Z students, particularly those who do not plan to attend college, report feeling less challenged, less motivated, and less connected to their schoolwork. 

Less than half of these students feel that their schoolwork challenges them or allows them to utilize their strengths. Only 46% say they feel challenged by their studies in a way that excites them​. 

Think about that for a moment: nearly half of our future students aren’t finding school stimulating or relevant. 

If they’re not excited about what they’re learning now, how will they be inspired to pursue further education?

And here’s something else to consider—there’s a significant gap between students who plan to attend college and those who don’t. 

College-bound students are more likely to feel engaged in school, but those without college plans are often left behind. 

This is important for us because the students who are unsure about higher education are exactly the ones we need to be reaching out to. 

They might not see college as their first choice, but that doesn’t mean they’ve completely shut the door on it. 

The challenge for us is to show them how higher education can offer real, tangible benefits that are aligned with their goals, dreams, and values.

To do that, here are 5 messaging recommendations you should consider as a result of this new data.

1. Connect to Gen Z Prospective Students’ Optimism

Despite the challenges, there’s some good news—Gen Z is overwhelmingly optimistic about their future. 

The lion’s share of them, 79% in total, believe they have a bright future ahead of them. 

But here’s the problem: only about half of them feel prepared for it. 

This is where higher ed institutions can make a real difference.

For marketers, this optimism is a golden opportunity. 

Gen Z believes they’re on the path to success, but they need the right tools and guidance to get there. 

As higher ed marketers, we can position our education brands as partners in their journey, helping them bridge the gap between where they are now and where they want to be. 

Whether it’s offering career counseling, hands-on learning experiences, or innovative programs that align with their personal goals, we can help them feel more confident and prepared.

By tapping into their optimism, we can craft messaging that’s forward-looking and inspiring. 

Show them that your institution is the place where they can turn their ambitions into reality, and that you’ll be there every step of the way to support them.

2. Focus Less on College, Focus More on Options

Here’s one of the most important shifts we’re seeing with Gen Z: many of them aren’t automatically sold on the traditional four-year college experience. 

In fact, the Gallup poll shows that a large chunk of these students are actively exploring alternative career paths like vocational training, apprenticeships, or straight-to-work opportunities. 

Despite this, the same Gen Z prospective students report that high schools spend the majority of their time talking about college with the old school messaging strategy. 

Basically, to get a good job and have a good life you need a 4-year degree. 

It’s a “Listen to me, kid. I know what I’m talking about” kind of approach—simplistic and generic.

And it’s not working like it did for Boomers (and even Gen Xers like me).

For higher ed marketers, this is a big wake-up call. 

We need to position our institutions as adaptable to various career pathways—not just the traditional degree route. 

If your school offers certifications, trade programs, or even accelerated courses for specific industries, now is the time to spotlight those options. 

You might also want to partner with local businesses to offer internships or real-world training opportunities that students can participate in before they even graduate. 

By showing Gen Z prospective students that your institution is flexible and forward-thinking, you can appeal to those who might be on the fence about a full-on degree but are still looking for a valuable, career-oriented education.

3. Showcase Practical and Hands-On Learning Experiences

If there’s one thing Gen Z loves, it’s learning that feels real and relevant. 

The Gallup poll found that students feel more engaged when they’re involved in hands-on learning experiences or when their coursework is tied to actual job skills​.

They’re not interested in theory for theory’s sake—they want to know how what they’re learning applies to the real world and their future careers. 

This is an area where higher ed institutions can really shine. 

Internships, project-based learning, and courses that simulate real-world work environments are exactly what Gen Z is looking for. 

So, when crafting your marketing messages, emphasize these opportunities. 

Talk about how your programs aren’t just about textbooks and lectures—they’re about giving students the skills they need to hit the ground running in their careers. 

Highlight alumni who landed jobs straight out of your programs because of the practical, hands-on experience they gained at your school. 

The more you can show the connection between education and career success, the more you’ll resonate with Gen Z.

4. Emphasize Having a Great Experience Over the Degree

Another fact revealed in the Gallup poll shows that when Gen Z thinks about a “great life,” it’s not all about getting rich or landing a high-status job. 

Instead, 79% of them say they want to live comfortably, and 77% value having strong personal relationships​. 

They’re more focused on work-life balance and meaningful connections than climbing the corporate ladder.

For higher ed marketers, this is a key insight. 

To attract Gen Z prospective students, focus less on prestige and more on how your institution can help them build a balanced, fulfilling life. 

Highlight your campus’s sense of community, the social opportunities, and the support systems in place to help students thrive. 

Show how your programs can lead to careers that allow them to live comfortably while still maintaining the personal relationships they value so much. 

If you offer services like wellness programs, mental health resources, or career coaching that emphasizes life balance, be sure to spotlight those too.

Gen Z is looking for more than just a diploma—they want an education that sets them up for a fulfilling, balanced life. 

By tapping into these desires, your institution can stand out in a crowded market and attract students who are ready to embrace the future, their way.

5. Use Storytelling to Tap into Optimism and Purpose

Gen Z thrives on stories that resonate with their own dreams and aspirations. 

They want to see how education can lead to more than just a job. This is deeply connected to their core values of personal growth, meaningful impact, and building a life they can be proud of. 

And it’s where storytelling can become your most powerful tool.

Start by featuring alumni success stories that highlight more than just career achievements. 

Showcase students who have found their purpose, made a difference in their communities, or grown as individuals because of their time at your institution. 

These stories can be incredibly relatable for prospective students who are thinking, “Will college help me become the person I want to be?”

Think about how you can frame your institution as a place where dreams become reality. 

Maybe it’s an alum who launched a nonprofit after graduating, or someone who turned a passion project into a thriving career. 

The key is to showcase those stories that blend professional success with personal satisfaction. 

It’s not just about the paycheck or the title—it’s about how attending your school helps Gen Z prospective students create the future they’ve always envisioned.

Incorporating real-life examples will give your messaging credibility and emotional appeal

Strong, emotive storytelling shows that your institution doesn’t just churn out graduates—it nurtures individuals who go on to live meaningful, impactful lives. 

And that’s exactly what this generation wants to see.

Need a Content Strategy for this Generation?

Old, outdated messaging strategies aren’t going to cut it for today’s prospective students. 

To connect authentically with mission-fit students, you need a partner who can help you plan and execute a content marketing strategy based on the latest data and best practices.

At Caylor Solutions, we specialize in developing and executing content marketing plans that drive enrollment, cultivate alumni, and build education brands.

To find out more about our content marketing strategy services, contact us today!

Chasing Mission Fit

A Marketing Guide To Fill Your Institution With Students Who Will Succeed.

The essential marketing book every higher education institution needs! If you are a higher education marketing professional seeking a fail-safe plan to make your institution stand out, “Chasing Mission Fit” is your guide.

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    • Precisely target your ideal student
    • Craft a compelling brand for your institution
    • Implement a proven marketing strategy from 30 years of expertise

So you can empower your institution with audience-focused marketing strategies, and attract mission-fit students who will flourish in your unique academic environment.

Ready to transform your institution’s marketing approach?
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