The third marketing condition you need for your school to grow is a solid education brand promise. Are you making and keeping yours? Education marketing is built on promises. What does your college, university, or school promise to give your prospective student in...
The power of marketing content lies in your brand authenticity. When prospective students and parents encounter your brand online, do they get the feeling that it’s you? Here are four questions to help you get to the core of who you are. Note: This post is part 2 of a...
Strategies, tactics, and tools are great – but if you’re not using these to create the right marketing conditions, your education marketing won’t work (well). There are lots of methods and tactics we use as education marketers to give our enrollment officers more...
It’s one of those words that is used so much today, but the concept can be confusing. So what exactly is an education brand, and how do you build yours to attract more prospective students? First, let’s talk about what an education brand is not. An education brand is...
Confident, handsome, successful—everyone wants to be Don Draper. But Mad Men-style advertising won’t get you education marketing success long-term. Not only is Don Draper a fictional character, but he’s also a fictional character meant to represent a mythical,...
Today’s post is guest written by Rob Norman. Rob has 25 years of independent school marketing experience as principal of Turnaround Marketing Communications, a branding and marketing firm specializing in independent schools. Rob shares his experience on InspirED...