Higher education marketing terminology is constantly growing and expanding. There’s always some new technology or strategy disrupting the space with new terms that you’ve got to learn in order to keep up with it all. But there are some foundational terms that every...
Last year, I teased how the Metaverse will change how we approach enrollment marketing, breaking down its implications for the higher ed space. Now that Meta’s great enterprise has had time to simmer, I wanted to review its influence on the digital landscape and why...
As we near the halfway point of 2022, the popularity of social media shows no signs of slowing down. Yet, these digital watering holes are constantly shifting as different demographics flock to specific platforms (or start to abandon others). Here are five trends your...
In Gen Z marketing, it’s important to understand the emotional needs and outlook of your target audience. In the blogosphere, much is made of the fact that Gen Z are digital natives who’ve never known life without the Internet, smart phones, and social media. To...
As we move forward in a post-pandemic world, institutions now face the reality of competing in an ever-shrinking higher ed market. Getting the eyeballs of prospective students on your school is more challenging than ever. One practical solution is a method as old as...
Deploying a successful enrollment marketing strategy in-house can be overwhelming. Whether it’s because your school’s marketing team is short on resources, you lack experience, or you just need an outsider’s perspective – sometimes, the best decision an...