Despite fifteen percent of the world’s population having a physical disability, most higher ed marketing teams struggle to tell authentic disability student stories to attract a more diverse student body. Unfortunately, the disability community of students is often an...
Since the pandemic, I’ve heard a lot of chatter about the impending “enrollment cliff.” Prevailing projections imply that higher ed institutions will see a significant decline in new students after 2025. So what’s the worst-case scenario for enrollment marketing...
Even a small school can stand out in the crowd of educational options by highlighting their brand distinctives through storytelling. As a small school, it’s normal to feel like you don’t have the resources you need to accomplish your enrollment goals. But you don’t...
The higher education landscape is rapidly changing, with competition getting stronger for a dwindling number of potential students, even before we hit the expected “demographic cliff.” Here are the three parts of your digital marketing strategy to prioritize to reach...
Whether you’re a small faith-based college or one of the largest schools in the country, emotive storytelling is a powerful marketing tool. First-hand authentic accounts of student culture, the classroom, and your faculty give recruits exclusive insight into your...
QR codes have made a furious comeback in business circuits over the last couple of years. Is there a way to leverage this technology for education marketers? The pandemic definitely helped catalyze this comeback as hundreds of “non-techy” people had to pull up...