Customer service in higher education often takes a backseat to other more pressing concerns. Yet, the truth is that every interaction with a prospective student plays a crucial role in how they view your institution. For example, when a prospective student calls with...
Are the current SEO strategies still relevant today in the age of AI? Or, do we need to completely overhaul our approach to SEO? A while back, I wrote a post that mapped out the rationale behind my SEO strategies. This philosophy, if you will, is simple yet it has...
Higher ed marketers must learn to execute compelling Gen Z marketing strategies that meet the needs and preferences of prospective students from this new generation. With Gen Z’s unique characteristics and expectations, traditional marketing tactics just...
Generation Z doesn’t want to be sold to. They want to understand your values, your goals, and why you do what you do. Which means in order to go viral or start trending, the social media strategies you implement need to tell a story. In a previous blog, we...
While it seems to be on the wish list of lots of higher ed marketers, I believe video storytelling would fit better on the “must have” list. Right now, there are a lot of options out there for someone looking for an education. They could go right into the industry...
With the current challenges facing higher education, colleges and universities have to get laser-focused on finding mission-fit students. The specter of the upcoming “enrollment cliff” has cast a shadow over higher education institutions ever since the...