Loan Repayment Assistance Programs, or LRAP’s, are another way schools can help students fight mounting education debt. For years, we’ve helped colleges and universities with their messaging around tuition costs to help students and their families to see it more as an...
What social media networks do you focus on for enrollment marketing? Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, maybe Snapchat and TikTok, all seem like obvious choices. But what about LinkedIn Marketing Solutions? If you haven’t already, there are some pretty compelling reasons...
One of the biggest elephants in the room is how higher ed marketers are often tasked with selling a less than desirable product, a poor university offering. No matter how good of a marketer you are, it’s hard to sell prospective students on an education with a tuition...
Having a mobile app isn’t just a vanity project. It can be a powerful tool to cultivate new students by giving you an exclusive marketing channel. If you’re skeptical about creating a mobile app for your school, I was too. Over the past 5 or 10 years, I’ve shied away...
Higher ed marketing is all about fundraising, right? Marketers serve the advancement folks. You’re on your own, admissions team. Good luck! Or so the traditional thinking goes. But as many colleges and universities have found, higher ed institutions win when their...
In enrollment marketing, we’re all looking for that secret sauce. How do you make your campus visit memorable? In today’s conversation, we talk about Disney-like campus experiences. As someone in enrollment, you know you’ve got to have that X factor when students come...