As mounting loan debt for American students continues to be a hot-button issue, college affordability should be at the forefront of higher ed marketing efforts for your school. According to a national survey by Discover Student Loans, 70 percent of American families...
A practical SEO strategy is critical to the success of your other marketing assets, such as your school’s enrollment website. When you have a solid search engine optimization strategy in place, consistent traffic to your website and any other content piece that you’ve...
The concept of landing pages seems pretty simple, but misconceptions abound about what they are exactly and how they’re supposed to work. I find this a lot in education marketing. We all agree on the basics. A landing page is essentially a web page where visitors...
Guy Kawasaki has been a marketing icon since his early days with Apple where he spread the word of a product that’s now synonymous with personal computing, Macintosh. Today, the best-selling author and host of the Remarkable People podcast is the Chief Evangelist...
It’s easy for your marketing team to become a group of creative project “order-takers” rather than the driving marketing force of your institute. Here’s how to turn it around. Most likely this happens because marketing teams tend to pool together creative...
Drone shows are much more than pretty lights in the night sky. Through curated storyboarding and other audio-sensory elements, these innovative spectacles can bring communities together by painting a larger story. Telling your education brand story is a powerful way...