Saving money when possible is a strategic priority. But sometimes our efforts to save money are counterproductive. Here are some ways higher ed marketers try to save that can end up costing more in the long run. Saving money is great. It’s part of being a responsible...
For higher ed marketers, multi-generational marketing is simply part of the job as your messaging needs to reach both students, their parents, and even their grandparents. As yet another generational shift is upon us, Generations Z and Alpha are coming up into the...
“Brand is just a perception, and perception will match reality over time.” — Elon Musk Brand perception can be a murky subject. Not to be conflated with brand awareness, how familiar people are with your school, brand perception is how your intended audiences feel...
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is top-of-mind for many colleges and universities today, but it is far from easy to implement. The DEI Viewfinder is a practical tool that can help make this difficult goal a reality for you and your marketing team. Marketing...
Good leadership is essential. It makes the difference between thriving and floundering institutions. But it is also difficult and rare. Fortunately, it is a skill that can be honed. Here are some key aspects of leadership to grow in. I’ll start with a confession. The...
Even a small school can stand out in the crowd of educational options by highlighting their brand distinctives through storytelling. As a small school, it’s normal to feel like you don’t have the resources you need to accomplish your enrollment goals. But you don’t...