Nontraditional online students have become a significant demographic in higher education, and their growing numbers show no sign of slowing down. In 2020, roughly 5.4 million college and university students enrolled in at least one online course. And while enrollment...
When placed within the larger context of an inbound marketing strategy, pay-per-click ads are a powerful tool to drive traffic to your enrollment-focused website. If you’re already driving traffic to your site by running PPC ads, you probably already have a strategy...
One of the first things a good marketer does is to analyze their competition. In the world of higher education, that holds even more true than for our nonprofit counterparts. So what’s the big deal? Isn’t competition supposed to be healthy? Yes. Until it’s not. ...
With the end of the Fall 2022 semester nearly upon us, this is a critical time to brush up on the pillars of a solid enrollment marketing strategy. Enrollment is the bread and butter of your school’s revenue. So, your school’s content marketing strategy must put...
A growing number of schools are curious about the benefits of using a kind of paid media called pay per click (PPC) advertising. Whether we’re talking about Google ads, Meta ads, or other social media ads, lots of schools are exploring these kinds of campaigns by...
With the new year approaching, inflation and rising interest rates probably have many small school marketing teams reeling from sticker shock. And as our global economy continues to teeter on the brink of recession, consumers and academic institutions alike are...