With 2023 right around the corner, humanity cautiously surges forward in a post-pandemic world. COVID-19 forced a higher ed industry that is notoriously slow to adapt to evolving technology to try to catch up to the rest of the world on a moment’s notice. Higher ed...
Terms like “brand storytelling” and “purpose driven” are powerful concepts that we should leverage in the education marketing space. When applied correctly, these principles create a win-win situation for the student and the school by attracting and qualifying...
Like many American families, our household once had a rabid gamer. My son played several video games growing up, but he absolutely loved Call of Duty. He and his high school friends would take every opportunity to play together. Like many serious gamers, he wanted to...
Community is about belonging. “Communities are people. They are not abstractions. They are not rhetoric. They are human beings.” — Nina Simon, The Art of Relevance Our perception of community has undergone a drastic evolution in the digital age, not to mention...
If you’ve swiped through TikTok more than a few times, you’re probably aware of the Savannah Bananas, a wacky, fun-loving baseball club out of Georgia. This entertaining bunch of (legitimate) ball players incorporates hilarious antics into each game. And the goofiness...
If someone asked you, could you make the case for a liberal arts education at your college or university? It’s getting more difficult every day to make that argument to prospective students who’re looking at an increasingly technological world. Each year, the job...