If there is one blind spot that those of us who work in higher ed marketing suffer from, it’s the assumption that the benefits of going to college are obvious. Many of us enrolled in college in an era when it was much safer to make that assumption. But it’s important...
If you’re in the Midwest, you are likely digging yourselves out from the heavy snow today. As you stay cozy inside, take a look at this week’s content roundup of the top higher education marketing content from the Web and from our team at Caylor Solutions....
Knowledge is power. Big data can give your marketing the edge you need to reach the right prospective students. There are thousands of marketers across a variety of industries that are leveraging big data to promote products and services, almost in real-time. But in...
Influencer marketing is a powerful tool to help cultivate new prospective students that too often gets neglected. But the whole idea of influencer marketing is a really important aspect of the higher ed marketer’s toolbox that needs to be leveraged. Whether...
If there’s anything that can trigger a cold sweat in higher ed marketers, it’s the high-pressure, high-reward branding campaign. Your brand speaks to the core of your institutional identity. That’s nothing to take lightly. Here’s how Jerry McLaughlin, CEO of...
Undergrad education marketing has a degree of beautiful simplicity. Graduate enrollment marketing isn’t quite so easy. When it comes to undergrad enrollment marketing, schools have the luxury of buying lists to recruit students. With all the data available to higher...