As a higher ed marketer, you’re laser-focused on getting your message out. But are you impacting the reality inside the institution? That’s what internal marketing is all about. And it has consequences for your external marketing campaigns. When internal marketing is...
A mass exodus of workers dubbed the Great Resignation is upon us. Is this only an issue for employers? I think not. Education marketing professionals ought to be paying attention. I’m not talking about taking steps to retain talent on your marketing team, though that...
Most people in education have a strong desire to give everyone the opportunity to learn. Can that be done for those who are deaf? Absolutely! Think about your last webinar (or virtual lecture or virtual campus tour). Did you provide captioning? Did you optimize the...
Looking to drive more traffic to your higher ed website? Content marketing is an essential part of your overall digital strategy, and a solid content plan for your blog is a great place to start. A blog isn’t the only way to put content out into the world. But a blog...
Thanks for stopping by for this week’s roundup of the best higher education marketing content from the Web and from our team at Caylor Solutions. From the greater World Wide Web: Recruiting International Students: How to Create an Action Plan that Delivers. “As...
While there are many marketing strategies you could have in your marketing plan, there are at least seven that I consider essential for higher ed marketing success. Depending on how you categorize things, there are as many marketing strategies available to you as you...