The educational landscape is shifting drastically, making in-person storytelling by admissions professionals critical to keeping healthy enrollment numbers. Learn more in our conversation with Phil Cook. Going to a four-year college or university was not always such a...
Based on the user profile of most Instagram users, Instagram marketing is simply a must for education marketers. Let’s look at 15 examples of Instagram posts and why they work. Chances are that your school already has an Instagram account. This is a great visual...
How do you handle organizational and career transitions? How can you leverage broader marketing trends? We tackle those questions in our podcast conversation with Mary Barr. After being in higher education marketing for so many years, I tend to value long-term...
If you’re considering jumping 100% into TikTok marketing, you’ll need to understand some of the ground rules. Here are my top 5 ground rules for successful TikTok marketing in higher education. Social media is a vast and dynamic marketing field that, for some, is...
September hits, and our new students and returning students are back on campus. While we love seeing them back (especially after how 2020 looked), we also know our focus now turns to next Fall. I hope the content provided in this week’s higher education content-of...
Generational transitions have a massive impact on higher education marketing. In this post, we highlight early characteristics observed in generation alpha, the next generation of college students. The Pew Research Center groups “age cohorts” in segments of “people...