When are the best times to post on social media? As a marketer for any institution in higher education, a vital part of your social media strategy is answering that question. Thankfully, we’ve gathered the latest answers for you. Here’s your quick guide to the best...
So you’re an enrollment marketer who wants to get more out of your school’s social media marketing, but you’re no social media analytics guru? That’s okay. I’ve written on the topic of social media analytics in the past, but for this post I’ll get a little more in...
Your school’s enrollment website is one of the primary tools in your digital marketing toolkit. If you see any of these signs that your enrollment website is “broken,” it’s time for an overhaul! It’s hard to stress just how important your school’s enrollment website...
One of the most basic tools in enrollment marketing is your customer relationship manager, your CRM. In this post, let’s explore ways you can get the most out of your enrollment CRM so you can recruit more students for your private educational institution. At this...
Your Facebook’s humming – but are you just copying and pasting into your Instagram account? Check out how you can leverage Instagram marketing for education to expand your reach. Most schools we work with intuitively understand the need to create content and engage...
In 2015, I posted seven search engine optimization basics to help you incorporate SEO into your enrollment marketing strategy. What’s changed in the last five years? Let’s take a look at the state of SEO in 2020. How have these 7 aspects of SEO for enrollment...