In 2015, I posted seven search engine optimization basics to help you incorporate SEO into your enrollment marketing strategy. What’s changed in the last five years? Let’s take a look at the state of SEO in 2020. How have these 7 aspects of SEO for enrollment...
Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) aren’t exactly new anymore, but these technologies are still full of innovative college marketing potential. Let’s check your knowledge. How might your institution stand out with VR and AR? First off, let’s go over the...
With every generation, education marketers must consider changes in culture. Especially when marketing to multiple generations, you’ve got to mark the cultural differences well. For years, Millennials have dominated the minds and strategies of education and enrollment...
In enrollment marketing, it’s not just what you say. It’s how you say it. Let’s explore how to make your enrollment marketing copy powerful and attractive to new students. Enrollment marketing copy is the center of every marketing message. Even if it’s just your...
Outsourcing marketing functions from printing and direct mail to video production, email, digital advertising and social media isn’t new for higher ed, but it has become increasingly essential in recent years. The trend of decreasing enrollment nationwide has driven...
The marketing funnel is a classic model for acquiring prospects and converting them to customers. Adapting it to higher ed is key to a successful enrollment marketing strategy. Basically, the generic AIDA model works like this: Get the attention of a broad set of...