School might be closed, but there’s still a ton of things to do in marketing. Here are my pro tips on working from home so you can stay productive even from home. I’ve been working from home for well over ten years, and most of the team I hire to work with...
Online video meetings can be an incredible tool to improve your enrollment process. Learn how you can leverage the power of Zoom video meetings to bring more students to your school. DISCLAIMER: I do NOT get any money or other kind of benefit from writing this...
No one was budgeting for a global pandemic. The long-term effects of coronavirus for higher education have already started. Here’s what education marketers have to do. The economy has suffered some big hits lately that are bound to affect your private...
What do education marketers and capital campaigns have in common? Find out what education marketers should be doing during these all-important campaigns. Few efforts get as much attention and institutional resources as capital campaigns. They require massive sustained...
Case statements are largely thought of as a fundraising tool, but marketing should be involved in writing them. Here’s why your marketing department should assist in this all-important task. Unfortunately, case statements are rarely spoken of outside the context of an...
Guest post by Michael Oguine and Kyle Pucko. Kyle is Co-Founder of GeoFli – a geotargeting software company launched in 2015 in beautiful Missoula, Montana. Each year, millions of prospective college students around the world scour the Internet in hopes of...