When it comes to strategic communication, where do you begin? It’s all too easy in higher ed marketing to get caught up in chasing the next shiny object. Sometimes, bouncing from tactic to tactic without taking a step back – or even reverting back to last...
When you leverage ChatGPT, you can transform how your marketing team approaches content creation, strategic planning, and data analysis. Every marketing team I have consulted with is overwhelmed with work. Let’s face it, marketing as a profession typically requires...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the world at an unprecedented pace, and if you know me, you know I’ve embraced it fully. AI tools are now capable of analyzing vast amounts of consumer data to uncover patterns and insights that were previously unimaginable....
In today’s fast-paced world, innovation in higher ed marketing is an essential trait for a successful marketing team. Unfortunately, higher education has been known for its slower pace of adoption and for often resisting change. But with approaching headwinds of...
I think there are so many benefits to AI in higher education. Unfortunately, there is a lot of confusion surrounding this revolutionary tool. So much so that many higher ed marketers are simply keeping their distance, waiting for the dust to settle before jumping in...
Artificial Intelligence has quickly become a hot topic within the last year. But many don’t understand the technology behind their brilliance—large language models! These AI tools are redefining how we understand and generate text. If you’ve been exploring how AI...