In higher ed marketing, you’ve got to stay current with the latest sensibilities of upcoming students. It used to be all the attention was given to understanding and crafting messaging for Millennials. Now, Millennials are starting to take the reins of the modern...
Engage with more prospective students by meeting them on the channels they prefer! Enrollify’s Zach Busekrus shows you how to use one-to-one video to reach Gen Z in this post. It’s not a difficult concept. Yet time and time again I see higher ed brands ignoring this...
Generational transitions have a massive impact on higher education marketing. In this post, we highlight early characteristics observed in generation alpha, the next generation of college students. The Pew Research Center groups “age cohorts” in segments of “people...
Understanding generational characteristics is key to successful messaging. Enrollment marketers are focusing attention on Gen Z now, but Generation Alpha is coming sooner than you think. In this blog and with clients, we often talk about creating personas. This is a...
Marketing shouldn’t stop when a prospect becomes a student. Here are ways to use education marketing to increase student retention and continue building your brand. In education marketing, the emphasis is almost entirely on the prospective student with the goal of...
With every generation, education marketers must consider changes in culture. Especially when marketing to multiple generations, you’ve got to mark the cultural differences well. For years, Millennials have dominated the minds and strategies of education and enrollment...