Content marketing is the most powerful tool you have for attracting right-fit students to your college or university. The basic idea for this kind of marketing is simple: create content that provides value to your audience while building trust and authority. As they...
If you’re in higher ed marketing, chances are you’re busy. There are so many marketing channels to attend to and never quite enough resources to get it all done. That makes it all the more important to spend the resources you do have on the right activities with the...
Businesses understand the importance of establishing and cultivating a brand. In higher ed, we’re less often used to thinking in these terms. Like it or not, however, your school has a brand. Being intentional about it makes all the difference. Higher ed marketer Matt...
Saving money when possible is a strategic priority. But sometimes our efforts to save money are counterproductive. Here are some ways higher ed marketers try to save that can end up costing more in the long run. Saving money is great. It’s part of being a responsible...
“Brand is just a perception, and perception will match reality over time.” — Elon Musk Brand perception can be a murky subject. Not to be conflated with brand awareness, how familiar people are with your school, brand perception is how your intended audiences feel...
Good leadership is essential. It makes the difference between thriving and floundering institutions. But it is also difficult and rare. Fortunately, it is a skill that can be honed. Here are some key aspects of leadership to grow in. I’ll start with a confession. The...