With the rapid advancements in digital marketing and AI-driven tools, implementing effective education marketing strategies for 2025 is essential for higher education institutions to attract and engage prospective students. While there are countless marketing tactics...
The key to successful higher ed marketing is discovering who you are as an institution and capturing that uniqueness in your marketing content. You can devise a powerful marketing strategy if you embrace what makes you unique and use it to attract prospective...
Student-generated content gives higher ed marketers a cost effective way to achieve what traditional marketing can’t—an authentic look into campus life that builds trust, sparks connections, and ultimately drives enrollment. When current students take the reins, they...
Student-centered learning is becoming increasingly important as students and families prioritize the return on investment in higher education. Now more than ever, students and families are shifting their focus toward the real-world value they are getting out of their...
Your school is unique: Do the right people know that? That was one of the major themes of our conversation with Shane Baglini on our The Higher Ed Marketer Podcast. Shane is the Senior Director of Marketing at Muhlenberg College, in Allentown, PA. Under his watch,...
“The only thing that is constant in this world is change.” That old saying has always been true, but the rate of change that we are experiencing today is truly unprecedented. In the digital world, the tools that are available to reach our audiences seem...