Keeping up with technological advances in higher education marketing is crucial for staying ahead. Generative AI tools can boost creativity, streamline workflows, and make your outreach more effective. However, with so many tools available, it’s easy to feel...
After more than 30 years working in the higher education space, I believe that most of the problems facing enrollment could be fixed by adopting a growth mindset in higher ed marketing teams. That may sound a little abstract, but hear me out on this one. I think it...
In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, the need for innovation in online education has never been more critical. Traditional colleges and universities are facing unprecedented challenges from alternative forms of education such as bootcamps, online...
Want to know the top AI tools for higher ed marketing that we recommend to all our clients? Even if you haven’t fully embraced the excitement around generative AI, the more higher ed marketers become under-resourced, understaffed, and overworked, the more you’ll need...
Catching the attention of Gen Z, known for their 8 second attention span, is more crucial than ever. This generation is digitally savvy and socially conscious. They want more than just products; they want experiences, and they want to know your values resonate with...
The idea of professional development is not a new concept, but sometimes it’s hard to see the connection between spending time in training and concrete marketing results. But I have seen the growth in marketing results that comes directly from the professional...