The secret to successful marketing often comes down to how personalized you can make each marketing message to your audience. Video messaging can make that possible at an extremely individual level. I have been a customer of BombBomb for several years. It all started...
In any digital marketing plan, gated content is the crown jewel. It’s a little elusive. Almost a secret. One so good, your audience might even pay to see it. (Not that you’ll be asking for money. We’ll get to that.) I wouldn’t blame you if that description seems...
What is 5G? And what does it mean for higher ed mobile marketing? Simply put, 5G is the next generation of mobile internet access. It means more bandwidth, more speed and a better experience on our mobile devices wherever we go. It also represents a lot of...
The turn of a new year is always an exciting time. It’s a fresh start, a chance to try new things and improve. And for enrollment marketers, it’s a chance to create an exciting digital marketing plan for 2021 that will take your admissions to the next level. I’ve...
Is the word “podcast” Greek to you? Don’t be embarrassed. With so many examples of podcasts out there that have nothing to do with enrollment marketing, the subject may seem irrelevant. But even though the internet-enabled medium has been made famous through true...
The word gamification has been around for several years now. It describes a marketing and recruitment trend that at times has felt like a fad. But I’d like to explore the power of gamification as a concept that we should all be thinking more about in the coming...