Does Your Website Content Have the Power To Convert? Last fall we did a cleanup day at my church. We spent a few hours taking down dead trees and generally cleaning up the property. We burned the trees in a large fire. It amazed me how much heat the fire generated and...
The year is ending. Students have graduated. Vacations are still a few weeks away. Now is the perfect time to review the state of your higher ed web strategy. Whether your focus is enrollment, marketing, or development, your school’s website is often the first...
The popular culture recognizes that something is wrong in the marketing of higher education. The assumption that sending the “me too” unsolicited material will increase the chances of response will not always work. Here are some ways to improve your...
Education Marketing Can Start Earlier Historically, most colleges and universities begin their education marketing campaigns to high school students, usually focused on juniors and seniors. This has worked in the past, but like so much of higher education, things are...
To Be Outstanding, You Have to Think More. To stand out in any field, you have to understand the context. In education marketing, the context is to segment, be relevant, and anticipate the questions to provide the answers. Your goal as a marketer is to remove the...
Automate Your Marketing For Efficiency and Effectiveness Marketing automation. It’s one of those phrases we hear but may not know. In today’s fast-paced, always-on world, time can be wasted by doing everything manually. By putting some of your marketing on...