The key to successful higher ed marketing is discovering who you are as an institution and capturing that uniqueness in your marketing content. You can devise a powerful marketing strategy if you embrace what makes you unique and use it to attract prospective...
Catching the attention of Gen Z, known for their 8 second attention span, is more crucial than ever. This generation is digitally savvy and socially conscious. They want more than just products; they want experiences, and they want to know your values resonate with...
One of the most common barriers to getting prospective students to your college tour is distance. Many prospective students simply don’t have the resources to travel across the country and tour all of the colleges and universities that interest them. What if...
Recent demographic shifts and an increasingly diverse higher education landscape mean that multicultural marketing is no longer a specialty—it’s a necessity. With the rapid growth of diverse populations, especially among Hispanic students and other multicultural...
When it comes to strategic communication, where do you begin? It’s all too easy in higher ed marketing to get caught up in chasing the next shiny object. Sometimes, bouncing from tactic to tactic without taking a step back – or even reverting back to last...
One of the most overlooked elements of successful strategic planning in higher education is the critical role of higher ed marketing leaders. Far too often, marketing is viewed as an afterthought—brought in only to execute promotional tasks after key decisions have...