As an education marketer, you’re always looking to utilize data to make messaging decisions that resonate with your target audiences. In this conversation, we learn how data segmentation helps drive engaging storytelling. How do we help uncover and explain the most...
No education marketer is an island unto themselves. In this post, we explore how to improve collaboration among marketing stakeholders to improve campaign results. Something I like about working in the education space is how much people value expertise. Different...
Working on your annual education marketing budget? Here are some of my top recommendations that every marketer should have in their budget! Budget time might not be the most fun part of education marketing. It is a lot of work making sure you’re accounting for...
Crisis moments are inevitable for any educational institution. Education marketers need to strengthen their brands to withstand these inopportune situations. That’s why today, I’m featuring a conversation that Troy Singer and I had with Christy Jackson on the The...
What is 5G? And what does it mean for higher ed mobile marketing? Simply put, 5G is the next generation of mobile internet access. It means more bandwidth, more speed and a better experience on our mobile devices wherever we go. It also represents a lot of...
One of the core objectives of education marketing is setting yourself apart from the competition. Today, we talk to Ayana Hernandez of North Carolina Central University to see how they’re using their distinctiveness as a selling point. North Carolina Central...