If you’re in higher ed marketing, chances are you’re busy. There are so many marketing channels to attend to and never quite enough resources to get it all done. That makes it all the more important to spend the resources you do have on the right activities with the...
Donor-centric marketing can be a sticky business. Many advancement departments often get caught up in a tangled web of capital campaign committees and case statements that send mixed signals to prospective donors. Even worse, they may never bring in the marketing...
The higher education landscape is rapidly changing, with competition getting stronger for a dwindling number of potential students, even before we hit the expected “demographic cliff.” Here are the three parts of your digital marketing strategy to prioritize to reach...
A few years ago, I witnessed first-hand the power of personalizing the student prospect experience. In last year’s mascot marketing podcast blog, I told the story of my oldest son Ben’s school application experience. He applied to and was accepted by several schools....
I’m convinced of the power of content marketing for higher ed enrollment. For decades, I’ve been using the strategies and techniques I’ve learned from numerous authors and speakers in the corporate marketing space. Using the insights I learned from them, I’ve seen...
Is centralizing marketing at your college or university the right move? It’s an age-old question that surely keeps administrators of up-and-coming schools awake at night. After all, centralized marketing is trending upward cross-industry. According to a 2020 survey of...