For higher ed marketers, multi-generational marketing is simply part of the job as your messaging needs to reach both students, their parents, and even their grandparents. As yet another generational shift is upon us, Generations Z and Alpha are coming up into the...
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is top-of-mind for many colleges and universities today, but it is far from easy to implement. The DEI Viewfinder is a practical tool that can help make this difficult goal a reality for you and your marketing team. Marketing...
Even a small school can stand out in the crowd of educational options by highlighting their brand distinctives through storytelling. As a small school, it’s normal to feel like you don’t have the resources you need to accomplish your enrollment goals. But you don’t...
Whether you’re a small faith-based college or one of the largest schools in the country, emotive storytelling is a powerful marketing tool. First-hand authentic accounts of student culture, the classroom, and your faculty give recruits exclusive insight into your...
A while back, we spoke with Shauna Davis and Mary Laphen Pope from the Lumina Foundation about their aspirational branding Million Dollar Community College Challenge. The purpose of the challenge was to raise awareness of the idea that education marketing can be both...
QR codes have made a furious comeback in business circuits over the last couple of years. Is there a way to leverage this technology for education marketers? The pandemic definitely helped catalyze this comeback as hundreds of “non-techy” people had to pull up...