Every technological revolution, such as generative AI tools, takes some time to be accepted by the greater population. From the beginning of any new technology, early adopters jump on board and begin to experiment with how this innovation should be best applied for...
One pressing challenge we face as higher ed marketers is the lack of team integration and diversity within our departments. When our marketing teams are not fully integrated and fail to reflect a diversity of cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives, we find ourselves...
Even at a gut level, we all know that integrating marketing and communications will help to improve our enrollment marketing results. But it’s more than an intuition. Based on the years of experience of many different higher ed marketers, we know that knocking down...
Generating ownable brand ideas can spark from unique qualities hidden in plain sight — not taking the little things for granted. What may seem like an odd quirk could set your university apart. Good branding is crucial for higher education institutions because it...
The enrollment cliff is real, and it will be here before you know it. This looming decline in enrollment for higher education institutions has already begun—but there is still more bad news coming with a predicted 24% decrease in college-age students by 2037. If...
In today’s fast-paced world, innovation in higher ed marketing is an essential trait for a successful marketing team. Unfortunately, higher education has been known for its slower pace of adoption and for often resisting change. But with approaching headwinds of...