Automate Your Marketing For Efficiency and Effectiveness Marketing automation. It’s one of those phrases we hear but may not know. In today’s fast-paced, always-on world, time can be wasted by doing everything manually. By putting some of your marketing on...
Education Marketing Trends to Watch in 2016. Part 2: Video Content Marketing Trends In last week’s post, I started the series “Education Marketing Trends to Watch in 2016” by establishing my history as predictor and providing an outline of how...
2016 Education Marketing Trends: Are You Ready to Impact Your School? Part 1 Education marketing trends for 2016? Another list? I have followed marketing trends for over 25 years of my career (both offline and online). This year, I decided to take a swing at crafting...
Website SEO: Don’t Forget the Basics Website SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the best ways to have your organization’s content discovered. Any marketing plan should include the basics of SEO. For more advanced SEO, engage a consultant to take it...
Add Value to Your Marketing By Combining Social Media and Print Media We have illustrated how print and digital can be a dynamic duo in marketing for colleges in a previous post. All marketers know that a stronger marketing plan is one that works together. While many...
Today’s post is guest written by Brad Entwistle. Brad is founder and Managing Director of imageseven. For more than 25 years he has led the Australian imageseven team on a crusade to lift schools’ brands and reveal the true value they deliver to students and...