Want to know the top AI tools for higher ed marketing that we recommend to all our clients? Even if you haven’t fully embraced the excitement around generative AI, the more higher ed marketers become under-resourced, understaffed, and overworked, the more you’ll need...
Despite being one of the most transformative technologies of our time, implementing generative AI in higher education has been met with both excitement and apprehension. For many institutions, embracing AI technology feels daunting, not simply because of its...
The era of artificial intelligence is here, and the need for generative AI training has never been greater for higher ed marketing teams. Attracting and recruiting prospective students in today’s higher education landscape is no small feat. With declining enrollment...
Even today, there’s still a lot of reticence among higher ed marketers to fully adopt generative AI tools in their enrollment strategies. At this point, everyone is playing around with ChatGPT, and everyone has been amused by the kinds of pictures that AI can...
In today’s hyper-competitive landscape, higher ed institutions need to better understand and implement a solid programmatic advertising strategy to reach their enrollment goals. Many higher ed marketers still rely on broad, outdated advertising tactics, leading to...
Admitted student research is a powerful yet underutilized tool in higher education marketing. By surveying your attending students, as well as students who decided to go elsewhere, you can give your admissions team additional data to help streamline their processes. ...