In today’s hyper-competitive landscape, higher ed institutions need to better understand and implement a solid programmatic advertising strategy to reach their enrollment goals. Many higher ed marketers still rely on broad, outdated advertising tactics, leading to...
Admitted student research is a powerful yet underutilized tool in higher education marketing. By surveying your attending students, as well as students who decided to go elsewhere, you can give your admissions team additional data to help streamline their processes. ...
Colleges and universities often face the challenge of making every dollar count in their marketing budgets. For higher ed marketers, working with limited marketing budgets can be one of the most frustrating aspects of the job. Most of us enrollment marketers are...
Could the ZeeMee App be a secret weapon for your higher ed social media strategy? You should at least consider it! Unfortunately, in the work we do as higher ed marketers, connecting with Gen Z students has become increasingly complex. Traditional communication...
Every technological revolution, such as generative AI tools, takes some time to be accepted by the greater population. From the beginning of any new technology, early adopters jump on board and begin to experiment with how this innovation should be best applied for...
I think there are so many benefits to AI in higher education. Unfortunately, there is a lot of confusion surrounding this revolutionary tool. So much so that many higher ed marketers are simply keeping their distance, waiting for the dust to settle before jumping in...