July 15

7 Tips to Create a Program Page that Converts


by | Jul 15, 2024 | Featured, Websites

A good program page should captivate potential students, address their key questions and concerns, build trust, and make the student feel confident that this program is the right choice for achieving their goals. 

Yet, many institutions simply put information about the program on the page, with little thought about making it emotionally compelling for the reader.

Creating program pages that convert takes more than listing information about the program. 

It requires understanding your audience, highlighting the benefits, providing clear calls to action, and incorporating social proof. 

By doing so, you can create a persuasive and engaging page that convinces prospective students your institution is the right choice for them.

This blog will take you through seven key copywriting strategies you can use to create program pages that convert so you can attract mission-fit students

1. Know Your Audience

If you’ve followed me for a while now, you know how important it is to understand your audience so you can better answer the questions they’re asking

The more you know about who you’re speaking to, the better you can tailor your message to meet their needs and expectations.

Start by identifying which students will most likely be attracted to the program. 

This will help you identify the demographics and psychographics of your target audience. I recommend considering factors like age, educational background, career aspirations, and personal interests so you can craft a message that speaks directly to them.

For example, a master’s program in environmental science might attract students passionate about sustainability and seeking to make an impact in environmental policy.

When you understand the long-term goals of your audience, you can clearly show how your program aligns with their aspirations. What’s more, you can address the fears and concerns students might have about the program or their chosen field. 

These could include worries about job prospects, the difficulty of the coursework, or the financial investment required. 

When you acknowledge these concerns and provide reassuring context, you help remove obstacles that might get in the way of their entering the program. 

2. Sell The Benefits, Not The Program

Anyone who is worth their salt in copywriting will tell you speaking to the benefits of a product is a powerful way to turn a consumer’s head. 

It’s the same for higher education institutions who want to market to potential students. 

It is not enough to simply state the facts of the program, you have to explain why and how it will benefit them. 

If your program is in business administration, explain how graduates will be able to lead teams, manage projects, and make strategic decisions that drive business success. Use concrete examples to illustrate these capabilities.

Here is an example: 

“Graduates of our business administration program will have the expertise to lead organizational change, manage diverse teams, and develop innovative business strategies. You’ll learn how to analyze complex business problems and implement solutions that drive growth.”

By emphasizing the benefits, you make it clear how your program adds value to the students’ lives and help them see the real-world advantages, which will then motivate them to take the next step.

3. Clarify The Call To Action

A compelling program page must have a clear and straightforward call to action (CTA) to guide prospective students on what to do next. 

Without it, students might say, “Huh, interesting,” then quickly scroll away. 

After reading about the program’s benefits and how it aligns with their goals, a good CTA makes the next steps to move forward abundantly clear.

To establish this CTA, identify the primary action you want students to take after engaging with your program page. 

This could be requesting more information, scheduling a campus visit, starting an application, or contacting an admissions advisor. The desired action should align with the overall enrollment funnel and be easily identifiable as the next logical step in their journey.

Here are a few examples: 

  • “Ready to take the next step? Click here to Request More Information and learn how our program can help you achieve your career goals.”
  • “Interested in joining our program? Apply Here!”
  • “Want to see our campus in person? Schedule a Campus Visit today.”

Additionally, consider including multiple CTAs throughout the page, especially in longer content. 

This ensures that no matter where students are in their reading, they have a clear, immediate option to engage further.

4. Include Social Proof

You shouldn’t be the only person talking about how cool your programs are on your program pages. 

Potential students need to have social proof from other students.

Testimonials, both video and written, are powerful tools in convincing prospective students of the value and credibility of your program. They validate the benefits you claim are possible! 

Make sure these testimonials are detailed. They should highlight positive experiences, specific skills gained, or personal growth achieved through the program.

Here are a couple examples of some good social proof: 

  • “This program has given me the confidence and skills I need to succeed in my career. The faculty’s support and the hands-on experience were invaluable.” — Jane Doe, Class of 2022
  • “I was able to secure my dream job even before graduation, thanks to the comprehensive curriculum and the networking opportunities provided by the program.” — John Smith, Class of 2021

Be sure to include pictures of these students so you can showcase real students and alumni success!

On top of testimonials, you can also include case studies, which offer detailed insights into the success stories of graduates, and highlight the program’s role in their success. 

Here is an example:

  • Sarah enrolled in our engineering program with a passion for renewable energy. Through her coursework and a faculty-led research project, she developed a groundbreaking solar panel technology. Today, Sarah works at a leading renewable energy company, contributing to innovative solutions for a sustainable future.

5. Sell The Career, Not The Program

As we all know, college is expensive. Which means your potential students need to know the program is worth the cost. 

Can they get a good job with this program? Will that job offer a steady source of reliable income and return on investment? Is this field currently growing or contracting? 

All of this information will help the student understand what their return on investment will look like after completing this program. 

To address these concerns, I recommend clearly outlining the types of careers that graduates of your program can pursue. Provide specific examples of job titles, industries, and roles and highlight the diverse paths that the program opens up, showing students the range of possibilities.

You can also add information about the financial benefits of completing the program. 

This could include data on average starting salaries and long-term earning potential. Here is an example: 

  • “According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for software developers is $110,140, with projected job growth of 22% over the next decade. Our graduates see a significant return on investment, with many securing positions with six-figure salaries shortly after graduation.”

This kind of information looks great in a caption box.

If the field is growing, highlight this positive trend. 

If it’s contracting but competitive, emphasize how your program gives students a competitive edge.

Here is an example of a growing field:

  • “The healthcare industry is experiencing rapid growth, with a projected increase of 15% in employment opportunities over the next ten years. Our Nursing program equips students with the skills and experience needed to thrive in this expanding field.”

Here is an example of a constricting field:

  • “While the legal field is becoming increasingly competitive, our Law program provides rigorous training, extensive networking opportunities, and internships at top law firms. Our graduates have a higher bar passage rate and are often recruited by prestigious employers, giving them a significant advantage in the job market.”

The goal with this information is to demonstrate the real-world value of your program and reassure prospective students that their investment in this education will pay off.

6. Put The Student In The Front Seat

Many students juggle various responsibilities, such as part-time jobs, family obligations, and extracurricular activities, which means they may have concerns about the time commitment of school. 

By highlighting the flexibility and accommodation your program offers, you can make it more appealing and accessible.

If your institution offers them, you can highlight evening classes, weekend sessions, or online courses. The goal here is to show that your institution understands the diverse needs of students and is committed to providing education that fits their lives.

You can also show this by highlighting the flexibility of part-time or full-time program commitments, so the student can manage their workload and progress at their own pace. 

In addition, I recommend highlighting the support services and resources available to help students manage their schedules and commitments. 

This could include academic advising, tutoring, career counseling, and mental health services. 

Finally, if applicable, describe how your program offers personalized learning paths that allow students to focus on areas that are most relevant to their goals and schedules. 

This customization can make the program more relevant and manageable!

By putting the student in the front seat, you show that your program is designed with their needs in mind, making it easier for them to see how they can successfully integrate their studies into their daily lives.

7. Show The Community

Today, the need for community is a growing concern for Gen-Z

Growing up as digital natives, they crave authentic, real-world connections that social media often lacks. Their commitment to diversity and inclusion drives them to seek communities where everyone feels accepted. 

Moreover, Gen-Z values collaborative and interactive learning, preferring educational experiences that foster engagement and participation. 

Institutions that understand and cater to these needs can better attract and support Gen-Z students, providing the meaningful connections they desire.

I recommend showcasing stories of mentorship relationships between faculty and students. 

These relationships are often pivotal in a student’s academic and professional development, and provide guidance, support, and valuable industry connections. Here is an example of how you could highlight this: 

  • “Our program prides itself on fostering close mentorship relationships between students and faculty. Professors mentor our students through their academic journey and help them navigate their career paths. These connections often lead to invaluable industry opportunities.”

Another powerful way to showcase community is by highlighting opportunities for community engagement!

By doing this you can demonstrate how students work together, contribute to meaningful projects, and make a difference both on campus and in the broader community.

Finally, don’t forget to mention the role of alumni networks in providing ongoing support outside of your institution.

Graduates can deeply benefit from a lifelong connection to a community that supports their professional and personal growth. This connection can lead to enhanced career opportunities, continuous learning, and a strong sense of belonging. 

Here is an example of how you can highlight this on your programs page: 

  • “By joining our program, you become part of a community that values continuous improvement and mutual support, providing you with the resources and connections needed to excel in your chosen field. Our alumni are leaders, innovators, and changemakers, and you will have the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with them.”

Need Help?

A well-crafted page does more than just inform—it captivates, motivates, and builds trust. 

By following these tips, you can create a compelling narrative that resonates with potential students so they will see why your institution is the obvious choice for their education. 

Need help creating compelling program pages that convert? Let’s chat! 

At Caylor Solutions our goal is to help you stand out to your mission-fit students and get the attention your institution deserves. 

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