If there’s anything that can trigger a cold sweat in higher ed marketers, it’s the high-pressure, high-reward branding campaign. Your brand speaks to the core of your institutional identity. That’s nothing to take lightly. Here’s how Jerry McLaughlin, CEO of...
Confident, handsome, successful—everyone wants to be Don Draper. But Mad Men-style advertising won’t get you education marketing success long-term. Not only is Don Draper a fictional character, but he’s also a fictional character meant to represent a mythical,...
COVID-19 looks like it’s going to be evergreen content for education marketers. How can you optimize your COVID-19 messaging so that it keeps everyone safe while boosting enrollment? As we launch into a new year, one thing is painfully clear: The coronavirus pandemic...
Since the pandemic, I’ve heard a lot of chatter about the impending “enrollment cliff.” Prevailing projections imply that higher ed institutions will see a significant decline in new students after 2025. So what’s the worst-case scenario for enrollment marketing...
I’ve seen and heard quite a few people in the higher ed community voice the sentiment that AI and authenticity can’t coexist. But we are not free-range chickens, and content generated with the help of AI tools is not “inorganic.” I wrote a LinkedIn post in late 2023...