The First 90 Days as a CMO: Five Key Lessons for Building Trust and Driving Success
First 90 days as a CMO? Bryce Hoffman shares how he built trust and led with confidence at WPI. Learn key insights for a strong start in higher ed marketing!
It’s been well over a year since the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 crash landed in our lives. Now, with vaccine dissemination on the rise, enrollment marketers are beginning to consider the post-pandemic future.
One way to look at things is that we’re heading into a fascinating new chapter in higher ed.
But in many ways, we just have a new perspective now on changes in higher ed that were already in motion.
This conversation is about that new perspective.
Early on, I wrote about what to expect in light of the coronavirus in the coming months with some tips on how to cope. Many of these strategies are still relevant now.
About a year in, I shared some tips for messaging about your school’s response to COVID-19 (part 1 and part 2). This remains a key part of your overall messaging strategy.
I’d now like us to consider the subtleties of post-pandemic messaging.
This is about the broad themes that arise whenever something so historic and traumatizing affects all of us, speaking to the collective psyche.
Specifically, it’s about connecting with prospects whose thinking about higher education has been forever altered. This is the challenge of post-pandemic enrollment marketing.
Our concept of the “typical” student was already evolving before COVID-19 showed up. The average college student had been getting less “traditional” (young, living on campus, financially dependent on the parents) for at least two decades.
Instead, students were getting older, more often financially independent, parents themselves, and employed full time as they pursued higher ed part time.
Severy-four percent – the majority of students – were now, in fact, “nontraditional.”
What was accelerating this trend over the previous 10 years was the last global, historical, traumatic event: the Great Recession. Job losses fell the heaviest on people without a college degree, which drove a rush of nontraditional student enrollment.
This dynamic presented enrollment marketers with two problems.
Many colleges weren’t geared toward serving working adults with online and adult-oriented programs.
Of course, there was, and still is, a market for the 18-year-old recent high school graduate. It’s just that the pool of these students was getting smaller.
To find these “traditional” students, enrollment marketers were doing more outreach to parts of the country with a growing population, or to low-income students, or stepping up efforts to attract international students
Bringing those students in was becoming a race against time.
Efforts to catch up with demand and meet the needs of the 74 percent with online education and programs geared toward working adults seemed to be missing the window of opportunity.
Some forecasts were showing a downward trend in attendance, an overall reduction as high as 10 percent by 2029. Some were expected to do better, others worse.
Then, COVID-19 came, and the bottom dropped out.
A system set up to serve the needs of traditional students, and struggling to adapt to the needs of nontraditional ones, was suddenly struggling to serve anyone.
But the crisis did have a silver lining. Necessity became the mother of invention.
The concept of higher education was already evolving into one that was built around the needs of people living busy, stressful lives. More flexible, more online options, etc. The pandemic put just about everyone in that boat.
Suddenly, there was no longer any denying that the majority of students needed more flexibility. Anything less was not only unreasonable, it was dangerous in the midst of a public health crisis.
It also made all students, traditional and nontraditional alike, pause to consider some fundamental questions:
These are, traditionally, nontraditional questions.
No longer. The post-pandemic world is one in which all students have had a chance to re-examine their expectations of college, and whether those expectations can be met online.
“Covid-19 has changed the trajectory of higher education advancement overnight, pulling forward years of online adoption … After Covid hit, students began flocking to online, particularly younger students. Younger students flocking to online degree programs is likely a new normal for our universities.” – John Farrar, Director of Education at Google
Some may decide the in-person, on-campus, residential experience is still what they want. Others may decide they’d prefer to do higher ed differently, non-traditionally, given the option.
The seed has been planted. Value is now an open question.
As enrollment marketers, it’s our job to answer that question.
Obviously, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to addressing the post-pandemic student psyche. You have to work with what you have; you can’t promise what you can’t deliver.
But there are some broad approaches to messaging you might consider in the wake of a pandemic that caused virtually all students to ask similar, fundamental questions.
Lean heavily into themes around resilience in the face of adversity and confident leadership in an uncertain world.
These are timeless themes that have added relevance now. Students (and their parents) will want to know whether your school focuses on teaching these critical life skills.
Students want to develop their ability to be the calm in the storm, to apply rational thought and exude confidence when it appears to others that the world is falling apart.
Show them how your school can help them become this person.
That is what a course called “Leadership Lessons, Leading in a Crisis,” developed by Wendy York, the dean of Clemson University’s College of Business, was designed to do.
“[I]t has to do with honoring students as individuals and also demanding that they be the best people they can be … And the way we do that is not only preparing them to be able to support themselves, but challenging them to have a sense of who they are as people who will go out into that world.” – Wendy York, Dean of Clemson University’s College of Business
There is still a place to tell stories about campus life in enrollment marketing, but it will be increasingly important in the post-pandemic world to tell broader stories as well.
Whether you are telling real stories or painting a picture for students to imagine themselves in, try to capture the idea that college will have relevance beyond four years of life.
Cycles of learning throughout a lifetime is the norm for many students. It may be time for more of the stories we tell to embrace that truth.
In a post-pandemic world, we can no longer assume that prospects believe college offers them sufficient value to be worthwhile.
Students were already questioning whether the time and expense of attending college for four years would lead to a more fulfilling life. COVID-19 added yet another barrier that made the return on investment seem even more remote for many.
Keep in mind that the pandemic was an economic crisis (an ongoing one for many) that likely caused your prospective students and their families to make tough financial decisions.
Your prospects may have seen their parents take on odd jobs to make ends meet, or may have worked harder to support their own families.
They have seen that the bottom can drop out of the economy, and that when it does, you have to be prepared to reorder your priorities.
That lesson won’t be quickly forgotten. So, as you present the features and benefits of your school, be sure to draw a straight line from what they want to the value you can provide.
You can still present the intrinsic value of the college experience, of course. Just be wary of coming across like you have rose-colored glasses on.
They can read between the lines. You need to communicate the kind of value that matters when businesses are shutting down, people are losing their jobs and hospital beds are filling up.
In the years to come, schools will increasingly be divided between those who snapped back to business as usual as quickly as they could post-pandemic, and those that evolved.
What you did to innovate in the midst of the pandemic to adapt, and how you are continuing to innovate in its wake for the ongoing benefit of your students, will be powerful differentiators.
That is especially true among the pool of low-income and first-gen college students who need innovative solutions to help them access higher ed.
“When we look back on the pandemic, we will see that it produced a raft of innovations that should inform future practice – and that will help make higher education what it aspires to: A catalyst for equality and social mobility.” – Steven Mintz, Professor of History, University of Texas at Austin
It can be difficult sometimes to tell your institution’s story in a way that is exciting, relevant today and not just a history lesson. But this is an opportunity to tell a new story.
Elements of that new story may include:
Students and parents will be interested in a story like this, one that tells them yours is an institution that evolves with the times we’re in and can help students do the same.
Need help?
Let’s talk about what that looks like for your school.
I’d love to help you put a plan together to tell that new story and move forward confidently into this new post-pandemic world.
You’re in luck! We’ve curated 25 awesome ideas inspired by top higher ed institutions across the country and put them in one handy guide: 25 Ideas for Great Admissions Content.
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