Your Facebook’s humming – but are you just copying and pasting into your Instagram account? Check out how you can leverage Instagram marketing for education to expand your reach. Most schools we work with intuitively understand the need to create content and engage...
Engage with more prospective students by meeting them on the channels they prefer! Enrollify’s Zach Busekrus shows you how to use one-to-one video to reach Gen Z in this post. It’s not a difficult concept. Yet time and time again I see higher ed brands ignoring this...
I’ve been in the marketing space since 1987, and I’ve seen new tech come and go, but nothing has grabbed my attention like generative AI since the internet’s early emergence. Frankly, it’s astonishing that we’re only months removed from the pandemic, yet we’re...
With 2023 right around the corner, humanity cautiously surges forward in a post-pandemic world. COVID-19 forced a higher ed industry that is notoriously slow to adapt to evolving technology to try to catch up to the rest of the world on a moment’s notice. Higher ed...
As we head into the holiday season, marking the end of the fall semester, I’m sure you have already laid out the broad strokes of next calendar year’s enrollment marketing strategy. But before you head off for some well-earned R&R, your mind on chopping down pine...