The whole point to inbound marketing is to get your target audience to come to you, and upon arrival, perform the actions you want them to take. Inbound marketing relies on fresh, consistently top-quality content that answers your audience’s questions (information) or...
As we round out this week, let’s take a closer look at some of the top higher ed marketing content from around the web and our very own team. From the greater World Wide Web of information: 7 Ways to Repurpose Content and Grow Your Customer Base from Content Marketing...
I read and watch and listen to a lot of content throughout the week. I talk with colleagues about what is working and not working for them in order to keep learning. Each week, I share some of the highest quality higher ed marketing content. On Fridays, we wrap up...
Your one-stop shop for the top higher education marketing content of the week. From the greater World Wide Web: 9 Content Marketing Tools for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses from Campaign Monitor. I know several of you are one-person departments trying to wear many...
If your school has Twitter accounts, or you’re thinking of breaking into Twitter, it’s good to check your knowledge of the best practices to help increase student enrollment. For starters, let’s talk about what doesn’t work … Twitter with no strategy....