We recently came across a set of new data from the Uversity and Chegg student survey. The complete deck can be downloaded directly from the Uversity site, but we thought a quick overview in the form of an infographic would be helpful to illustrate the data for web and...
How to Care for and Train Your Social Media Strategy Far too often, social media is a “pet project” for an organization rather than a critical part of the marketing mix. Without a well defined strategy, your social media might be going to the dogs. In 2010...
Don’t Ignore Your Audience! One of our more popular posts has been about how your social media may be missing the mark. It struck a nerve because so many organizations rush to jump on the latest marketing tool without really having a strategy and a plan. In that...
What you say and how you say it should demonstrate your organization’s brand authority Nearly every organization has established a presence within social media. Unfortunately, many of these accounts are little more than event and press release repeaters. Larger...
Every day more universities are getting social in their marketing, but not everyone is getting the best ROI out of their social media strategy. But you can stand out from the crowd by using social media analytics to become more efficient and thereby optimize your...