Admissions professionals: How’s your student ambassador program going? Student ambassadors – those active, enthusiastic members of your student body who make ideal representatives of your school – can be highly effective partners in your recruitment...
One amazing way to maximize your brand authenticity is to begin a student ambassador program. Authenticity, of course, is one of the most prized values of Gen Z prospective students. While they’re still very young, it looks like authenticity will still be in vogue...
Artificial Intelligence has quickly become a hot topic within the last year. But many don’t understand the technology behind their brilliance—large language models! These AI tools are redefining how we understand and generate text. If you’ve been exploring how AI...
Lead generation campaigns can cause any higher ed marketer to start biting their nails. As the name suggests, these marketing campaigns are designed to bring in leads that can then be cultivated into enrolled students. Uncertainty is a part of their nature as you...
It’s been absolutely beautiful in Indiana this week! As we round it out, let’s examine the roundup of the best higher ed marketing content from the week. From the greater World Wide Web of information: The What, Why and How of Video’s Next Revolution in Content...