As a higher-ed marketing professional, you probably feel constant pressure to do more. The reason is simple. Your school could always use more students than are currently enrolling, and you are aware of all those you could reach if only you could expand your...
Online advertising is fraught with challenges. But here are the tactics I’ve seen work in enrollment marketing banner ads. If you search for “enrollment marketing banner ads” on Google, you’ll find some articles insinuating that banner ads are not just a “must-have”...
Are you in a rut with your video marketing? Looking for some new ideas on what you can do to stand out visually? Check out these education marketing videos for the inspiration you need. Video marketing is a powerful tool to attract new prospective students into your...
No one was budgeting for a global pandemic. The long-term effects of coronavirus for higher education have already started. Here’s what education marketers have to do. The economy has suffered some big hits lately that are bound to affect your private...
Are you in the market to buy email lists? If you’re like most colleges and universities engaged in a traditional “search marketing” campaign (not to be confused with search engine marketing), it’s a cornerstone of your admissions marketing strategy. The thinking that...