If you’re in higher ed marketing, chances are you’re busy. There are so many marketing channels to attend to and never quite enough resources to get it all done. That makes it all the more important to spend the resources you do have on the right activities with the...
If fundraising were in the Olympics, capital campaigns would be like women’s gymnastics or men’s swimming. It’s the event everyone watches, the activity that gets all the attention. By the way, here’s one of my favorite Olympic sports that doesn’t get much attention....
QR codes are growing in popularity. But should higher ed marketers use QR codes in their marketing strategies? I definitely think so. Here’s why. Like barcodes, QR codes are symbols that convey information to computers visually. And like a barcode, QR codes require an...
We honor and remember those who have served our country well. Thank you to the men and women who have served and sacrificed for our freedoms. As we round out this week, we’ve gathered the top higher education marketing content of the week for this week’s content...
Alumni newsletters can be one of your school’s most effective marketing resources. A well-crafted, consistent newsletter helps you maintain an open line of communication with your former students long after they’ve graduated. Through compelling storytelling, you can...