By now, your college or university must have some sort of digital marketing strategy. Your question isn’t whether having a digital presence is critical. It’s what to prioritize in terms of marketing and advertising spending. Should we shift more dollars toward digital...
Email is still one of the marketer’s most effective tools. See how you can improve your email open rates right now! Email has been around for so long, it’s hard to remember when we didn’t use it. From the dawning days of dial-up to now, email has only grown in terms...
What is the value of list buying, a.k.a. “buying names” through Encoura, the College Board, Christian Connector and other services these days? It depends on what you do with them. Buying (technically “licensing”) contact information of standardized test-takers for...
Simply put, the Google knowledge panel is the average person’s first look at your school. So it’s pretty important … and very frustrating if it doesn’t represent your school as you want it to. Let’s discuss what it is, where the information comes from, and what you...
While there are many marketing strategies you could have in your marketing plan, there are at least seven that I consider essential for higher ed marketing success. Depending on how you categorize things, there are as many marketing strategies available to you as you...