If you’re in the Midwest, you are likely digging yourselves out from the heavy snow today. As you stay cozy inside, take a look at this week’s content roundup of the top higher education marketing content from the Web and from our team at Caylor Solutions....
Education Marketing Can Start Earlier Historically, most colleges and universities begin their education marketing campaigns to high school students, usually focused on juniors and seniors. This has worked in the past, but like so much of higher education, things are...
Like most innovations that come from the Cupertino wizards, the whole world of tech has been buzzing about iBeacons ever since Apple first mentioned them in their 2013 WWDC conference. iBeacons are basically small transmitters that use low energy Bluetooth technology...
Inbound Marketing for Higher Education Supplements Your Marketing Traditional forms of marketing are and will continue to be needed in the enrollment process. Direct mail, print, and utilizing traditional search techniques will continue to be needed. However, more and...
Does your school marketing connect the dots for your prospects? Individually, each of your marketing pieces makes sense: you had a need and you filled it. You have your brochure, your website, and even your Facebook or Twitter account. Check, check, check. But, have...