Think video marketing isn’t for you because of your school’s small size? Then listen to this fascinating conversation with Suzanne Petrusch of Presbyterian College. Small to medium-sized colleges, a lot of them private, all experience the challenge of trying to...
Is it possible that education marketing could accomplish something even grander than higher enrollment numbers? Peter Ashley of Hanover College talks to us about how their marketing efforts are increasing equity on their campus. Lots of private colleges and...
Storytelling is a powerful technique that should be woven into each and every marketing message. Here we explore how storytelling enhances data-driven marketing to produce incredible results. For years, I’ve held to the belief that understanding what questions your...
Storytelling is a powerful marketing technique. But how do you take something that’s so creative and make it a consistently profitable tool? Find out here in our conversation with Jim Small. Sometimes it’s overrated. More often it’s simply misunderstood. But no matter...
As a higher ed marketer, you’re laser-focused on getting your message out. But are you impacting the reality inside the institution? That’s what internal marketing is all about. And it has consequences for your external marketing campaigns. When internal marketing is...