If there were one thing that could both elevate or kill your higher education marketing efforts, it would be brand awareness. Every marketing strategy should begin here for the simple reason that if consumers aren’t aware of your brand, they can’t engage...
Keeping your college or university website content dynamic and fresh is a big part of maintaining incoming traffic looking for answers concerning their higher education needs. But every now and then, you’ve got to consider the overall condition of your website...
It’s easy to see why for-profit companies would want to invest in search engine marketing. But what is it, and should higher education marketers invest institutional time and resources into it? In my last post, we covered the subject of search engine...
Email marketing is the workhorse marketing channel that’s been producing results for colleges and universities at a much lower cost than traditional media for decades. But as with everything, the way you start out will have a huge impact on how well it performs....
Homecoming season has come once again! Hands down, it is the biggest opportunity for building loyalty to your school’s brand and cultivating the next generation of students. That’s why you can’t afford to let your homecoming be like everyone...