9 Secrets of an A+ School Website Design Now that school is in full swing, students are eager to get the grades. I enjoy reading Richard Benson’s series of humor books. His books present the “very best totally wrong answers” collected from actual...
Your Time is Too Valuable to Spend All Day on Social Media! Social media is great. It is one of the most effective marketing tools available today. But just because something is useful, doesn’t mean it deserves all your time. I have always been fond of saving...
Quick: Set Up a Meeting to Discuss These Social Media Strategy Questions Every organization has a need to ponder and think as a group. Brainstorming and processing information together as a team often provides insights that individuals may not be able to generate on...
Content Marketing Explained: The Canary Cottage Cafe 1952 A postcard from 1952 has helped me communicate the essence of content marketing to my clients. Will you dare to go against the current in your own marketing? When I was eight, my great uncle Ralph gave me his...
Add Value to Your Marketing By Combining Social Media and Print Media We have illustrated how print and digital can be a dynamic duo in marketing for colleges in a previous post. All marketers know that a stronger marketing plan is one that works together. While many...