Are you in a rut with your video marketing? Looking for some new ideas on what you can do to stand out visually? Check out these education marketing videos for the inspiration you need. Video marketing is a powerful tool to attract new prospective students into your...
Working on your annual education marketing budget? Here are some of my top recommendations that every marketer should have in their budget! Budget time might not be the most fun part of education marketing. It is a lot of work making sure you’re accounting for...
Fall comes to private college and university campuses with the fragrance of apple cider… and Alumni Relations events! It’s time to crank up your alumni cultivation efforts — so here’s how to get the most out of your alumni event marketing this season. 1....
Too often, the name of the game for education marketers is “do more with less.” In the spirit of helping you do just that, I’m going to show you how to create a virtual campus tour of your school with a free tool: Google Maps. As we’ve discussed before, one of your...
Marketing shouldn’t stop when a prospect becomes a student. Here are ways to use education marketing to increase student retention and continue building your brand. In education marketing, the emphasis is almost entirely on the prospective student with the goal of...