One of the biggest opportunities for higher education marketers today is text marketing. Here’s a text marketing starter guide to get you going. If there were one thing I wish more private colleges and universities were doing, it’s text message marketing. You’ve...
Your marketing agency asks you to re-up on another long term marketing contract. Should you do it? Here’s some advice. First, let me say that contracts are good things. I use contracts with all my clients. When done right, they are an incredibly useful business...
What if you could get your digital ads in front of prospective students even without an email address? Find out how with IP targeting! Traditionally, getting your messaging in front of the right audience has always been tricky. Old school marketing such as billboards...
Saving money when possible is a strategic priority. But sometimes our efforts to save money are counterproductive. Here are some ways higher ed marketers try to save that can end up costing more in the long run. Saving money is great. It’s part of being a responsible...
If you’re in higher ed marketing, chances are you’re busy. There are so many marketing channels to attend to and never quite enough resources to get it all done. That makes it all the more important to spend the resources you do have on the right activities with the...