If you’re in higher ed marketing, chances are you’re busy. There are so many marketing channels to attend to and never quite enough resources to get it all done. That makes it all the more important to spend the resources you do have on the right activities with the...
The era of artificial intelligence is here, and the need for generative AI training has never been greater for higher ed marketing teams. Attracting and recruiting prospective students in today’s higher education landscape is no small feat. With declining enrollment...
Want to know the top AI tools for higher ed marketing that we recommend to all our clients? Even if you haven’t fully embraced the excitement around generative AI, the more higher ed marketers become under-resourced, understaffed, and overworked, the more you’ll need...
How often has your higher ed marketing team signed up for sweet new digital marketing tools only to get slammed with sticker shock once the trial periods expire? The unfortunate reality in 2023 is those SaaS premiums for your team’s favorite online tools can stack up...
Every institution has the challenge of sharing their success in university marketing. But, by letting everyone know your success and promoting it internally, you can help guide the future discussions and understanding of your department’s work and...