Keeping your college or university website content dynamic and fresh is a big part of maintaining incoming traffic looking for answers concerning their higher education needs. But every now and then, you’ve got to consider the overall condition of your website...
Your education website is the heart of your digital marketing strategy. Is it suffering from any of the 15 symptoms of a poorly performing website? If it is, I highly recommend that you correct the performance issues you see in your education website as soon as...
Cultivating education brand loyalty is a long game. Getting new students to come to your school is just the beginning. How are you working to make this critical marketing condition a reality? The last thing we need to talk about in our discussion on the necessary...
The third marketing condition you need for your school to grow is a solid education brand promise. Are you making and keeping yours? Education marketing is built on promises. What does your college, university, or school promise to give your prospective student in...
There are two kinds of writing you need to keep the wheels of your education inbound marketing strategy spinning: content writing and copywriting. It’s important to understand what they are and how to leverage them for your marketing success. Inbound marketing is a...